Reporting Concerns

Please tick the box to declare you have the appropriate procedures in place:

You must have a procedure for reporting and responding to/managing concerns (including allegations of poor practice, abuse and complaints) about your participants and wider welfare issues.

This step by step plan must include a flow chart and must be made available to children, young people and adults. It should include guidance on how information about concerns will be recorded and stored; and how cases will be monitored.

Please tick the box to declare you have the appropriate procedures in place:

You must have a procedure for reporting and responding to/managing concerns (including allegations of poor practice, abuse and complaints) about your participants and wider welfare issues.

This step by step plan must include a flow chart and must be made available to children, young people and adults. It should include guidance on how information about concerns will be recorded and stored; and how cases will be monitored.

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 October 2020, 12:21 PM