Contact Us
Please get in touch if you have a question about the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts. Do not use this page to report a concern, please follow the guidance on the `Reporting a Concern` page.
Sport England and any funded organisations involved in administering the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts, such as NWG Network, will never ‘cold call’ individuals, clubs or organisations who have registered to apply to receive the Safeguarding Code. Applicants’ phone numbers are not collected as part of the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts registration process and applicants for the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts will only be contacted via e-mail for the purposes of processing and maintaining applications, where relevant consent has already been provided. There is also no cost involved for individuals, clubs or organisations in applying to receive the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts. For the avoidance of doubt, if you do receive an unsolicited call relating to the administration of the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts, it is unlikely to be from Sport England and/or NWG Network. These cold-call phone scams typically involve fraudsters deceiving people into believing they are speaking to a trusted company or agency such as a government department. You can report any unwanted calls to the regulator:
We will only use the information you provide in order to respond to your query. The `Privacy Policy` can be viewed here
Latest Changes to this Policy
Updated with new email addresses.
Updated references to Synergy Learning as website host
Updated to include NWG Network email address.
Update to who we share your data with.
Various Amendments