Safeguarding Policy

Open up the highlighted title "Safeguarding Policy" above and go to "Add Submission" at the bottom of the page to upload your policy.

Please demonstrate that you have the necessary provision in place for the safeguarding and welfare of your participants by uploading your safeguarding policies. You should have separate policies for adults and children/young people. These must include a safeguarding statement of intent (can be uploaded as a separate document), been reviewed in the last year, updated no later than within the last three years, and signed off by the management board/committee, where relevant.

Make sure your policies are personalised to your club and include the contact details of your Designated Safeguarding Lead, Welfare Officer and/or Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Please also ensure that you have considered the new legislation relating to those in Positions of Trust. 


Below you can download sample documents to amend to suit your needs.

PLEASE NOTE - the policy statement below is not sufficient for use as a Safeguarding Policy alone. You must upload a separate Safeguarding Policy along with a policy statement (or a policy that includes a statement)