Safe Practice Policy

If you are affiliated to an NGB with a Safe Practice Policy we would expect to see this being adopted.

You must demonstrate a duty of care for your participants, protecting children, young people and adults from physical harm and, in particular, head injury.

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This document provides indicative/generic examples of some of the safety issues that should be individually considered by clubs when they are formulating or reviewing their own specific safe practice guides and processes.

This document is not advice and should not be adopted in whole or in part without careful and informed consideration being given to the specific needs and requirements of any given club and its particular characteristics.

Therefore, while the document may be used to inform the development and assessment of safe practices at clubs, it is essential that clubs and organisations take a broad evaluative approach in considering the relevance of each aspect of the document, and also endeavour to give detailed consideration to any conceivable safety concerns that are not covered by the document. Safe practice in all clubs should also be kept under ongoing review.

Neither NWG Network nor Sport England or any of their associated organisations or affiliates bears any responsibility or liability for reliance on the document. NWG Network and Sport England are under no obligation to update, review, reissue, retract, modify, or amend the document to reflect current or future best practice.


If you do not have this policy available, please see a document below with some suggestions around safe practice.